Want to feature your work on the "Made at Berkeley" Gallery? Follow these instructions and post your work on Portfolium.

Brief instructions for uploading your work: The Arts + Design website is broken down into 5 main genres: visual arts, performing arts, literatures, film and media, and design. If your original work is a composition or a display of a musical piece, the work can be viewed in the performing arts gallery. If your work is an architectural rendering of a performing arts center, you can have it displayed in both design and performing arts. If your work is a poem, you'd link to the literature sections.

1. Create a Portfolium account at portfolium.com and affiliate yourself with UC Berkeley as a student, faculty, or other participant.

2. Once you create your profile and arrive at the main profile page, select “Portfolio” in the bar directly underneath your name to upload your work.

3. Begin to upload works. It is a very simple and intuitive process. Click on “Add new work” to begin. You can directly upload your files or import it using an external URL. From here, add the title of the work, a short description of the work (a brief summary of the work/project, or the dimensions, if applicable), and assign a category to your work.

4. MOST IMPORTANT PART: On the third page, you MUST TAG YOUR WORK in order to filter your piece in to the correct genre pages.

As detailed above, if you’d like your work to populate different galleries, please tag with one or more of the following tags:


5. Save the work, and voila! You’re done! If you have any questions or concerns, kindly email us at info.artsdesign@berkeley.edu