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Korean Film Workshop: Stupendous Villainy in Korean Cinema

Sat May 25, 2019 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Institute of East Asian Studies (Golden Bear Center, 1995 University Ave., 5th floor)

8:30AM-9:00AM: Coffee & Pastries

9:00AM-11:00AM: The Past, Present and Echoes

Keung Yoon Bae (Harvard Univ.) 
"Dangerous Attractions: Colonial Era Villainy and Visuality in Contemporary South Korean Cinema”

Chan Yong Bu (Princeton Univ.) 
"Prosthetic Encounter with the Past: Analyzing the Intergenerational 
Bond in Ssaum ŭi kisul (2005) and T'atcha (2006)"

Jina Kim (Univ. of Oregon)
“The Voice of Villains in Contemporary Korean Cinema"

Discussant: Joseph Jonghyun Jeon (UC Irvine)